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Plutarch reports the shape of the object as like a wine-jar ( pithos). Īccording to Plutarch, a Roman army commanded by Lucullus was about to begin a battle with Mithridates VI of Pontus when "the sky burst asunder, and a huge, flame-like body was seen to fall between the two armies". Astronomer Richard Stothers interpreted the report as a description of a bolide. It then ascended back up to the heavens and was transformed into a torch. Īccording to Pliny the Elder, a spark fell from a star and grew as it descended until it appeared to be the size of the Moon. : 369–372ĭuring the build-up to the Second Punic War, Livy recorded prodigies in the winter sky, including navium speciem de caelo adfulsisse ("phantom ships had been seen gleaming in the sky"). The alleged translation of the papyrus-published in issue 41 of the Fortean Society's magazine Doubt-included such Fortean phenomena as "circles of fire" and fish that "fell down from the sky". The incident has been cited by many ufologists via the purported Tulli Papyrus, considered a likely fraud by Edward Condon. The stele describes how "a star came down" to set fire to Thutmose's adversaries. Kripal says of UFO encounters, "These are not especially rare events, nor are they restricted to any culture, race, religion, or time period." Antiquity DateĪF AF, Ancient Egypt Jebel Barkal, Lower EgyptĪfter conquering the ancient Nubian city of Napata, Thutmose III had a stele erected at the Temple of Amun, beneath the cobra-shaped Jebel Barkal outcropping. Rice University professor of religion Jeffrey J. Prior to the Scientific Revolution, they were often interpreted through the lenses of gods, ghosts, demons, and omens.

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Unexplained aerial phenomena have been recorded stretching back into antiquity. Mystery airships reported in the late 19th century, are seen as predecessors to UFO sightings.

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In Sweden, early 20th-century UFOs were called Spökraketer or ghost rockets. Allied pilots during World War II described them as foo fighters. What would later be called UFOs were reported before the 1947 flying saucer craze. Ruppelt explained that "the term 'flying saucer' is misleading when applied to objects of every conceivable shape and performance". Before Project Blue Book, UFOs were often referred to as " flying saucers" in reference to the widely publicized Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting. Ruppelt who investigated aerial phenomena for the United States Air Force in his role as leader of Project Blue Book during the 1950s. The term UFO was coined by officer Edward J. This list is not an endorsement of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, the psychosocial hypothesis, the interdimensional hypothesis, the field of ufology in general, or UFO religions. It includes reports of close encounters and abductions. This is a list of notable reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) arranged by date. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources. Please see our Visitor Guidelines page for complete details on our visitation policies.This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. If you feel you have a medical emergency, such as chest pain, stroke symptoms, severe shortness of breath, etc., please call 911 or go to the Emergency Department for evaluation. If you are seeking a rapid test for work or school requirements and have no active symptoms, please contact your nearest pharmacy or your local health department for testing options. Testing is completed if you are actively showing symptoms of COVID-19. If you feel you may have COVID-19, please contact your local urgent care center or primary care office for testing. Saint Francis Healthcare System operates multiple testing locations throughout the region, including Cape Girardeau., Sikeston, Polar Bluff and Dexter. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $594,348 with zero percent financed with non-governmental sources. This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Visit for more information on COVID-19-related resources and closures in Cape Girardeau County. If you have questions for your Saint Francis primary care provider, please send a message through M圜hart or speak with them at your next scheduled appointment.

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